A partial view of Wem in north Shropshire
A Partial View of Wem in North Shropshire

For Images of Wem

History of Wem

Buildings and Built Environment
Entertainment: Cinema;
Memories, Town & Village;
Wem's Missing Market Charter and the Victoria County History.
Buildings in High Street

Wem Civic Society
Information about the society
For the 2025 programme see Diary.

The Next Meeting:
Tuesday January 21st., 2025, 7.30pm, Wem Town Hall
AGM & Forum; click here; for info.

Shropshire Planning Portal

Wem Combine Harvesters - Markets

The last Harvest Market
was on Saturday September 28th., 2024. for more information, click here.

The next Spring Market will be held on Saturday, April 26th., 2025.
WCH is made up of Wem Civic Society, and Wem & Dist. Garden Club, and Incredible Edible in Wem. The group organises town markets in Wem twice yearly, the Spring and Harvest Markets. They are morning markets offering food, drink, crafts and plants for sale. They are held in Wem Town Hall, and on Jubilee Square.
If the Spring Market is around St. George's Day, it is aka the St. George's Day Market.
The Harvest Market is held on the last Saturday in September.

The White Horse
The White Horse Hotel (Inn) sits at a prominent road junction in Wem, near the Shrewsbury Gate. As such it sets the tone for the town as people enter from that direction.
It has been in an increasingly decrepit state for a number of years. Now that Shropshire Council has purchased the building, many Wemians hope that its renovation
and rejuvenation will reinvigorate this part of the High Street.
The inn dates back to at least the C18th. In 1795, John Bagshaw was the proprietor of “The White Horfe Inn”.
By 1840, Wem was an important staging point for stagecoach services. It was on a coach route from Shrewsbury to Liverpool and Manchester.
It was listed as a Grade II building in 1983.
In support of any renovation, the society has completed a survey to find out what Wemians believe would be the best solution for the White Horse.
This survey has now been completed with over 200 responses and went to the June meeting of Wem Town Council and to Andy Wigley (Historic Environment - Shropshire).
SC's contractors have carried out an initial survey of the building, which indicates a more extensive survey is required.
Andy Wigley will be addressing Wem Civic Society's AGM on January 21st and giving an update on progress.

Research is continuing into a number of areas including the history of Wem and the surrounding villages. Publications are available for sale.

Wildlife around Wem